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Bible Study Blitz


F260 Bible Reading Plan - Day 171

F260 Day 171: John 11; Matthew 21:1-13

John 11; Matthew 21:1-13

Jesus receives word that one of his good friends, Lazarus, is sick. He knows God is going to use this circumstance to display his glory and power. So, Jesus delays his visit a few days, until Lazarus has died. Upon arriving, Jesus speaks with the sisters about the death. Jesus then raises him from the dead. At this, some believe, others run to the Pharisees and plot to kill him. Then, in Matthew we see Jesusโ€™ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to begin his final week.

With this miracle, Jesus proves he has authority in both life and death. But, more than anything, it shows that Jesus can relate to our pain. Jesus wept and mourned because his good friend had died, even though he knew Godโ€™s plan. He is well acquainted with sorrow. And we can also trust that God has a purpose for our suffering and will use it for his good. Knowing this, we can trust and lean into Jesus more than we already do.

How do you feel knowing Jesus can relate to your pain & suffering?

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