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Bible Study Blitz


F260 Bible Reading Plan - Day 258

F260 Day 258: Revelation 4-5

Revelation 4-5

After writing the seven letters, the scene shifts to heaven. John is given a vision of heaven’s throne room where 24 elders and living creatures worship God day and night. In God’s right hand he sees a scroll with seven seals that no one is worthy to open. The lion of the tribe of Judah who looks like a slaughtered lamb (Jesus) is found worthy to open the seals. At this, all of creation worships him as he prepares to open the scrolls.

The imagery given in Revelation is so important, as it gives us details about God and his character. With Jesus we see he is the conquering lion, but also the slaughtered Passover lamb. Jesus did this to secure our salvation. The salvation of not only the Jews, but people from every walk of life across the globe. This is reason for us to celebrate and worship the Lord. He redeemed us so we could be right with God.

Are you worshipping God like everyone in Revelation 4-5?

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