Psalm 119:49-128
In these verses the psalmist continues to share and rejoice in his delight for God’s word. God’s commands are his life’s song. The psalmist’s practice is to obey God’s commands, and he is quick to keep them, without hesitation. Yet, their life is not without struggle. The psalmist has enemies who taunt and mock his ways. He cries out to the Lord looking for help, wondering when that help is coming. And even in these moments he trusts God. This even goes to the point of saying that any judgments received from God are just and fair.
I love that the psalmist does not paint a rosy picture of what it looks like to follow God. Yes, he delights in Scripture, but that doesn’t negate the fact that life has harsh realities. Yet, even in the midst of this, the psalmist’s resolve is unwavering. He will obey the commands of the Lord, even expediently. That begs the question: how quick are we to obey the Lord’s commands? Does it take being told a few times? Do we say no, and then reluctantly do it? Or, are we like the psalmist where we hear and then do? The true mark of our growth as a believer is how quickly we respond when God tells us to do something.
How quickly do you obey the Lord’s commands?
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