Proverbs 16-18
Proverbs 16-18 speak much about the words that come out of our mouths. In many ways, what we say proves whether we are wise or a fool. The wise person watches what comes out of their mouth and is careful about what is said. In contrast, the fool speaks without thought, for selfish gain, and in a way that causes division. It is a very real truth that our speech will either take us higher or destroy us.
Nestled in these proverbs, we find a verse we must not ignore as it relates to the gospel, Proverbs 16:6. Our iniquity is atoned for by Christ’s loyalty to God the father and his faithfulness in living according to his plan, which included death on a cross. And, at the same time, that loyalty and faithfulness also resides in us, as we must turn to Christ, giving him our loyalty as we put faith in his atoning work. This is what turns us from evil: turning to God. When we are confronted with the reality of who God is and how serious our sin is, we run to Christ. That is the wisest thing any of us can do.
Does your mouth prove you to be wise or a fool?
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