Esther 8-10
After Haman’s death, the king gave Esther his estate and then put Mordecai in his position. Esther once again pleaded with the king to revoke Haman’s plan. Since it could not be undone, he gave Esther and Mordecai the authority to do what they thought was best. On the same date they were to be killed, the Jews could now defend themselves and kill their enemies and take their possessions as plunder. When the day came, the Jews killed over 75,000 of their enemies, but took no plunder. The following day then became a day of celebration for the Jews.
God provided protection for his people and it came through Esther and Mordecai’s actions. Even though his name is never mentioned in the book, we can see him working in the background. People were given favor and put in the right position at the right time. The king was kept up on the exact night he needed to be. And the Jews were given just what was needed to keep them from being wiped out. In the same way, we can trust that God will work and move in the lives of those who love him. Romans 8:28 tells us that God will work all things together for the good of those who love him. That was Esther and Mordecai’s hope and trust. That is our hope and trust.
Do you trust that God will do good for those who love him?
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