Genesis 33; 35
Jacob is finally back in the Promised Land, after two decades of living in Paddan-aram. What we see happening in both of these chapters is quite beautiful. First, in chapter 33, Jacob is reunited and reconciled to his brother Esau. Upon meeting, the two brothers immediately embrace and love on one another. No longer are they at odds, but enjoying the relationship they should have always had. Then, in chapter 35, Jacob recommits himself and his family to God. God kept Jacob, just like he had promised those many years ago, and brought him back home. In response, Jacob rids his household of all foreign gods and builds and altar to the one true God.
Jacob’s reconciliation to his brother and his recommitment to God are both beautiful pictures. Both actions are ones we need to be mindful of in our own lives. We must be ready and willing to reconcile with everyone we can, because Christ commands us to. Then, we must examine our lives and look for things that have taken the place of God, remove them, and commit to serving the God who saved us.
Have you put away your idols and committed to serve the Lord?
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