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Bible Study Blitz


F260 Bible Reading Plan - Day 196

F260 Day 196: Acts 15-16

Acts 15-16

Some Jews from Jerusalem came to Antioch and taught that Gentiles needed to follow the Mosaic law. After much debate, the church sent Paul & Barnabas to get official word from the apostles. Once the matter was discussed, minimal requirements were put on Gentile believers. The letter with this was taken back to the church. Afterward, Paul & Barnabas split, as they continue to spread the gospel & strengthen believers in their faith.

Works are never a part of our salvation. The works we do come as a result of the change God makes in us, but they are not what save. Peter and James make it clear that Jews and Gentiles are all saved by Godโ€™s grace because of their faith in Jesus as Lord. It is only this that forgives sin. That is how it was in the First Century, and it still holds true today. Only our faith saves, not any works we place on top of it.

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