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Bible Study Blitz


F260 Bible Reading Plan - Day 213

F260 Day 213: 2 Corinthians 3-4

2 Corinthians 3-4

Paul always faced opposition when preaching the gospel. Yet the lives of those whose lives are changed by his preaching is proof of the gospel’s power. Paul details how these sufferings are difficult. But the work God is doing outshines that pain, knowing the eternal glory it will bring. And he knows there is a light that shines forth from this gospel and those who proclaim it.

Living as a Christian was never meant to be easy and Jesus prepared us for that. But, there is something beautiful about how God is able to use the brokenness and suffering we face to shine a light on the gospel and to make himself known to the world. So, even as we are broken and face difficulty, our job as believers is to show God’s grace so it can extend to more people.

Are you letting the brokenness of your life be a conduit for the gospel?

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