Romans 1-2; Acts 20:1-3
Paul writes a letter to the church in Rome. He desires to meet with them in person, but until he does, he wants to encourage them with this letter. His desire is to preach the gospel to them, and his letter is a theological treatise on the gospel. He begins in the first 2 chapters by describing how God’s law is written on man’s heart, but he has given them over to their sins. And even those who judge others will also be judged because they are just as guilty of sin by doing the same.
It’s really hard for people to deny God exists because his morality and laws are written all over our hearts. We know that lying, theft, and murder are wrong. We punish it. Yet, we still do it ourselves. This is a truth we can lean into when sharing the gospel and dealing with objections. But, it is also a reminder for ourselves that we need to pay closer attention to what God has written on our hearts because we know what pleases and displeases God.
Do you recognize God’s law written on your heart?
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