Acts 22-23
After his arrest, the guards give Paul an opportunity to speak to the people. Paul then shares his testimony with the Jews. They listen until he talks about being sent to the Gentiles. The guards then bring Paul before the Sanhedrin which ends in a dispute. Finally, Paul foils a plot against his life. As a result, the guard sends Paul to the governor Felix for safety.
Paul’s testimony shows the true hearts of his accusers. They wanted salvation for themselves, but not those outside their Jewish lineage. In a similar manner, we need to check our own heart and response to the gospel’s spread. Does it bother us when a certain group of people come to faith? If so, why is that? We need to pray for God to give us love for all his people, no matter where they come from. The gospel is for everybody.
Do you have blindspots in your heart against people coming to faith in Christ?
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