1 Samuel 21-22
In his haste to flee to safety, David makes some rash decisions. He acts like a madman and even lives in a cave. Yet, the most impactful decision he makes is lying to the priest, Ahimelech. He said he was on a mission for Saul, instead of honestly stating he was fleeing for his life. As a result, Saul’s paranoia led to the slaughter of 85 priests and the entire town of Nob.
Every decision we make has consequences and affects others. David’s hasty decisions and deceit caused the death of innocent lives, lives he ultimately took responsibility for. The consequences for our actions might not be as severe, but they do have an impact. We need to be mindful of this. This is all the more reason why we must walk in step with the Lord and the commands he has put before us.
Are you mindful of the decisions you make and their potential consequences?
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