Hebrews 8-9
The author now contrasts the Levitical high priests and Jesus by comparing their covenants. He shows that the covenant and promises that come through Jesus are better than the Mosaic law. He quotes Jeremiah 31:31-34 to prove this point. The two systems are also contrasted by reminding the reader that Moses’ tabernacle was only a copy of the heavenly one, but Jesus ministers in the heavenly tabernacle.
What the Mosaic covenant shows us is that it could never save. Instead, it could only cover our sins. The work Jesus does is permanent and lasting. That is why the covenant we have in him is much better and has far better promises. There is no continual need for sacrifice because his one sacrifice can stand for all time. So, we can rest in him and know he has removed our sin.
Do you see how the new covenant is greater than the old?
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