1 Kings 8:1-9:9
After 7 long years of construction, the temple is finished and ready to be dedicated. Solomon gathers all Israel together so the dedication can take place. This process includes moving the ark and the tent of meeting inside the temple. During the dedication, Solomon prays a prophetic prayer that speaks towards Israel’s future, as he asks the Lord to forgive their sins when they return to him. Finally, God once again speaks to Solomon, reminding him of the promise he made to David and that it is contingent upon his and his sons’ faithfulness to the Lord.
1 Kings 8:60 is the end goal for the gospel: that the whole earth would know that the Lord is God. For that to happen, believers must be mindful of the words in verse 61. This means wholehearted devotion to God and walking in his commands. For us, this means making loving God and loving people. It also means making disciples and sharing the gospel. If we, as believers, do that, then we will see all the earth know who the Lord is.
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