2 Kings 5; 6:1-23
Naaman, the commander of the Aramean army, had a skin disease. During one of his raids in Israel he brought back an Israelite girl who would become his wife’s servant. One day she mentioned how he could be healed. This produced an encounter with Elisha where he was given simple instructions. After following the instructions Naaman was made clean and became a follower of God. Throughout the rest of the narrative we see Elisha performing miracles while doing the Lord’s work.
When it comes to people in the Bible, Naaman is one of those people many of us can relate to. We have a problem that we want God to solve. We seek God (or the man of God in the case of Naaman) and then expect some grandiose display where God shows off his might. Instead, he opts for the simple solution, which often aggravates us. Yes, God can do the great and mighty things, but he most often speaks in a whisper like we saw with Elijah in 1 Kings 19. When God whispers, we need to be just as ready to listen and follow.
Do you look for God to answer in the simple ways?
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