Genesis 25:19-34; 26
Abraham has died, and the focus of the narrative now moves to his son, Isaac. After remaining childless for years, he & Rebekah pray to the Lord for a child. In response, the Lord gives them twins, brothers who will butt heads with one another. From there we see Isaac making the same mistakes as his father during the famine with Abimelech, but the Lord blesses him despite his missteps. Also during this time, the Lord appears to Isaac and reaffirms the covenant he made with Abraham.
The overarching theme we see in this passage is that God is one who will keep his word. He promised to bless Abraham and his offspring. Abraham’s own obedience to the Lord played a key role in this, but we see the Lord blessing Isaac because of Abraham, and not necessarily his own obedience. When the Lord makes a promise, he keeps his word, even if the other party cannot live up to the standard. In many ways this points to Jesus and how he lived the perfect life we couldn’t, and yet we reap the benefits of the covenant between the Father and Son.
Aren’t you glad God is faithful even in the midst of our messy lives?
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