Luke 1
400 years after Malachi gave his prophecy, the Lord once again speaks to Israel. First, God sends Gabriel to the priest Zechariah. He and his wife are both blameless and righteous people. Gabriel tells Zechariah his wife will birth a son who will come in the spirit and power of Elijah and will be named John. Later, Gabriel visits a virgin named Mary. He tells her that she will birth a son who will be called the Son of God and sit on the throne of David. We then see the birth of John and the prophecies concerning him and God’s coming salvation.
God has not forgotten Israel, nor has he forgotten his promises. In Luke’s opening chapter we begin to see the fulfillment of the prophecy spoken by Malachi. God has prepared his forerunner before the Messiah comes. The ministry that John was called to is similar to the work we are given. We are to share the news of God’s salvation, which prepares people’s hearts. And then the Lord does the rest of the work. But ultimately, we see it is God who works to fulfill his promises in his time.
Do you see how you perform a similar work to John when you share the gospel?
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