Matthew 3-4
This is Matthew’s account of Jesus’ baptism and the beginning of his ministry. Unlike Mark’s gospel, we receive a much more detailed account of Jesus’ time of temptation in the wilderness. Jesus is tempted in three specific ways. Each time he refutes the tempter by quoting Scripture. Matthew also writes about the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and calling his first disciples.
During his preaching ministry, John told the religious leaders to produce fruit consistent with repentance. This is advice we must heed. The proof of repentance is a changed life. It means no longer living a life of sin. It also means living a life of obedience toward God. This is the life both John and Jesus call us to as residents in God’s kingdom. So, let us always be mindful of making sure our life is consistently producing the fruit of our repentance.
Are you producing fruit consistent with repentance?