Matthew 19:16-30
This passage is Matthew’s account of Jesus’ interaction with the rich young ruler. This young man wanted to know what he needed to do to have eternal life. Jesus told him to keep the commandments. Next, Jesus tells the man to sell his possessions and follow him. At this the young man walked away grieving. This interaction is followed by discussion between Jesus and his disciples about how riches make it difficult to enter the kingdom.
When life is easy, we feel like we do not have much need for God. We feel like we have it all. So, what are we willing to risk and put on the line to follow Jesus? The rich man wasn’t willing to make that sacrifice. For us, it might not be riches, but we have to lay aside what is most valuable to us in order to follow him. Whatever it is, it is only God that makes it possible to follow Jesus.
What prized possessions did you have to give up to follow Jesus?
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