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Bible Study Blitz


F260 Bible Reading Plan - Day 169

F260 Day 169: Luke 17:11-18:43

Luke 17:11-18:43

As Jesus and his disciples make their way to Jerusalem, Jesus continues teaching and healing. First he heals ten lepers, with only the Samaritan returning to praise God for his healing. Jesus then teaches on the kingdom and persistence in prayer. Later he has an encounter with the rich young ruler and heals a blind man who then begins to follow him.

What I see with the lepers is what happens so often in our lives. We want God to do something great in our lives and we beg him for it. We plead with him in prayer until we receive an answer. Then, as soon as we receive it, we go on about our lives as if God wasnโ€™t the one who came through for us. Instead, we need to be like the one out of the ten who returned to Jesus and praised God for his healing. We must always be thankful for the blessings God gives.

Do you give thanks to God for the blessings he brings in your life?

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