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Bible Study Blitz


F260 Bible Reading Plan - Day 183

F260 Day 183: John 20-21

John 20-21

John’s resurrection account gives us details we do not receive in the other gospels. First we see Mary Magdalene’s encounter with Jesus, presumably the first to see the risen Lord. Then we see Thomas’s encounter with Jesus a week after the other disciples saw him. Finally, some time later, Jesus appears to his disciples again as they have breakfast together. During this breakfast, Jesus restores Peter after his threefold denial.

Jesus’s words to Thomas are important. Thomas believed because he saw, but blessed are those who do not see yet believe. It is for this very reason that we have the gospels. John explains that it is the sole reason why he wrote. He wrote so that we would believe that Jesus is Messiah and find life in his name. We may not be able to see the risen Lord, but we have written records so we can believe. We must not discount them. Instead, we should cherish it and use it to learn as much as we can about our Lord. And we must share this gospel with others.

How did you come to faith in Jesus?

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