Acts 8-9
After Stephen’s death, persecution of Christians breaks out in Jerusalem. Everyone scattered except the apostles, who stayed. As the people fled, they took the good news with them and continued preaching. Because of their preaching, the church spreads and those outside Jerusalem come to faith. As Saul’s persecutions increase, the Lord stops him on his way to Damascus and he comes to faith. Immediately, he begins preaching the gospel, which brings death threats his way.
As believers, we want to see the Church grow. Acts 9:31 tells us how to make that happen. First, we must fear the Lord. We have to reverence him and walk in obedience to his commands. Then, as we live our lives, we need to allow ourselves to be encouraged and taught by the Holy Spirit. He is the one that leads us in all truth (John 16:13). When we do that, we are in step with the Spirit and pleasing God, and the natural outflow of that is sharing the good news with others. In other words, we live as disciples to make disciples.
Do you fear the Lord and walk in the Spirit’s encouragement?
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