1 Corinthians 11-12
In chapter 11, Paul lays more criticism on them, this time for their handling of the Lord’s supper. He explains the importance of this meal and how it should not be taken lightly. From there, he moves on to talk about spiritual gifts. Paul talks about how God knits together the Church as a single body of believers. He equips each person to do a specific task, and each one is needed.
God has designed the Church to be exactly as he wants it to be. Every believer has a gift, but it is God who decides how it gets used. With that, we cannot look down on others because of their gift & its used, much like we should not be jealous of the gifts of others. Instead, our outlook should be how we can use our gifts to uplift and encourage one another to grow in holiness.
How are you using your gifts for the body of Christ?
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