1 John 1-3
John writes a letter to believers to strengthen them in their faith. He does this because he is an eyewitness to the truth of these things and wants people to have fellowship with God. This comes by believing in Jesus Christ. And we prove this faith by keeping his commands, primarily loving one another. It also means living a life that sins less, and loves with action, not word only.
People always want to know how they can know for sure if they are saved. John makes the answer to that question simple: if you keep God’s commands, you are in him. If we keep his commands, sin less, and walk in love, we are proving ourselves to be his children. Our actions prove where our faith resides. So, we need look no further than those areas. If we are constantly growing in those areas, we can rest assured our faith is genuine.
Do you love God? Are you keeping his commands?
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