Jeremiah 31:31-40; 32-33
Even though Israel is in exile in Babylon, God has not forgotten his promises to them. God promises to make a new covenant with Israel that is better than the one he made at Sinai. Instead of stone tablets, he will write his law on people’s hearts, while also forgiving their sin. God also promises to restore Israel to their land, even though God is evicting them because of their sin. Also included in his promises, God, through Jeremiah, tells Israel that there will be a righteous person who will take the throne of David.
This was a hard, yet comforting message for Israel. In the midst of their hard times, God still promised blessing and restoration. But, for us, there is great peace, comfort, and joy. All of this points us to the Righteous Branch, our savior, Jesus Christ. He is the one who rules and reigns with justice and righteousness. He is the one who gives us the new covenant. Jesus is why our sins are forgiven. His work gives us the Holy Spirit who writes God’s law on our hearts. It is because of Jesus that we are made right with God and can rightfully worship him. That is the blessing and hope of this passage.
Have you experienced the blessings that come with the new covenant?
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