Zechariah 1:1-6; 2; 12
Zechariah’s prophecies begin with a call to repentance and turning to the Lord. Upon hearing this, the people repent. Zechariah’s visions include a restored Jerusalem full of people and bursting at the seams. The city is so full people live outside the walls and the Lord’s glory is in the midst. Not only that, but Gentiles from all over the world are coming to worship the Lord. Along with this, Zechariah’s visions speak against Judah’s enemies. The Lord will deal with those who took them to captivity. He will also defend Israel against those who come against them. Not to be forgotten in these prophecies is a vision of one who is pierced and mourned by the people, which points us to Christ.
During a time when people are living in the ruins of a city, Zechariah’s message is a breath of fresh air and hope. He gives them a glimpse of what will come as a result of their hard work. God has not forgotten or abandoned his people. He will restore them and be the center of their lives. The same holds true for us as believers. The end God promised us is our hope and where we can fix our eyes when we are discouraged. And when we turn our attention to God, he gives us the strength we need to continue.
Where do you turn your attention when you are discouraged and in need of hope?
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