Malachi 3
The third chapter of Malachi begins with a prophecy about the coming Lord. We are told that a forerunner will come before him to prepare the way, and then the Lord will come and set things right, particularly with the temple system. Malachi then reminds Israel of God’s promise to bless them if they would walk in his commandments. They are already in the midst of a curse, so why continue in disobedience? Finally, there are some who think that it’s worthless to follow God because he doesn’t punish the wicked. So, Malachi reminds Israel that God knows and sees all, and will judge accordingly.
No matter how often Israel turns to sin, God is always there calling them to return. He wants nothing but good for us, but that only comes when we walk in obedience. In order for that to happen, we must humble ourselves, repent, and turn to him. That is what Israel was called to do. The same holds true for us. While it might look like the wicked get away with so much, we have to remember we are living for more than this world. There is a day of judgment at the end of this life, and that outcome is determined by how we live in this life.
Do you live like the wicked get away with their sinfulness?
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