Genesis 27-28
Family drama comes to a head in Genesis 27. Jacob steals his brother’s blessing. Isaac and Rebekah are still playing favorites with their children. Esau is ready to murder his brother once Isaac has passed away. And now Jacob is on the run to save his life, while also trying to find a wife. It’s a complete mess!
Yet, in the midst of all this drama, God still proves himself faithful and in control of everything. In Genesis 25 Rebekah was told that the older would serve the younger, so she schemed to make that happen. God didn’t condone any of the actions that took place, but he still allowed it to fulfill his purpose. Then, in Genesis 28, God confirms his covenant blessings to Jacob, assuring him that he’d be blessed and would return to the land of promise.
Isaac’s family was a complete mess, but God still worked through it and kept his promises. This shows his might and sovereignty, which we should keep in mind when viewing this passage.
Has God’s sovereignty overcome your family drama?
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