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Bible Study Blitz


F260 Bible Reading Plan - Day 163

F260 Day 163: Luke 12

Luke 12

One thing Jesus did during his ministry was teach the disciples how to live. He taught them that a life worth living first has a high respect and reverence for God. When you have a high respect for God you are not ashamed to proclaim him. It also means you do not walk in hypocrisy. Second, Jesus teaches that this life should not be focused on the acquisition of material possessions. Instead, we our aim is following after God and trusting his provision. Finally, a disciple is one who is not lazy. Disciples do the work given by God, always on the alert ready for his return.

The application here is simple: do what Jesus said. God knows all and sees all; nothing is hidden from him. And, he will reward us based on the work we do. With that in mind, we should fear the Lord, trust him, and do the work he has given us to do, which is making disciples who replicate their faith. When that is our focus, we can rest assured that the rest of lifeโ€™s details will sort themselves out.

Are you doing what Jesus has commanded?

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