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Bible Study Blitz


F260 Bible Reading Plan - Day 164

F260 Day 164: John 3-4

John 3-4

In these chapters, Jesus has a couple of interesting encounters. First, during the night, a rabbi named Nicodemus comes to Jesus. Jesus talks to him about being born again and how those who believe in him will have eternal life. While on his way to Galilee, Jesus has an encounter with a Samaritan woman. As a result of the womanโ€™s testimony, many come to believe in Jesus. Then, after hearing Jesus speak, more believe.

As we see with the Samaritan woman, our personal testimony is a great vehicle for sharing the gospel and bringing others to faith. Our testimony allows others to see how God has impacted and changed our lives. But, that is only half of it. The person has to encounter Jesus for themselves. When this happens, they come to faith and they are changed. Knowing this, we should never be ashamed to share what Jesus has done in our lives.

Have you ever shared your testimony with someone?

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