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Bible Study Blitz


F260 Bible Reading Plan - Day 23

F260 Day 23: Genesis 42-43

Genesis 42-43

After twenty years of living in Egypt, Joseph finally comes face-to-face with his brothers. There’s a lot happening in these chapters, from the famine to the fulfilled dreams. But, the reaction of Joseph’s brothers stands out most. After Joseph and his men interrogate them, the brothers immediately associate their hardship with what they did to Joseph two decades prior.

These brothers had not forgotten what they had done. They were living a lie and carrying around guilt these many years. The brothers are terrified at what God will do to them because of their actions against Joseph. What’s worse, they know their survival rests on bringing Benjamin down to Egypt. But, they know their father will never allow that to happen. And this was the case until there was no other option and they were faced with starvation.

Have you held on to sin & guilt, instead of confessing it to God?

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