Colossians 1-2
Written during his imprisonment in Rome, Paul writes to the Colossians church to address some false teachings coming their way. He begins his letter with thanksgiving and a focus on the centrality of Christ. He is the fullness of God and the creator and sustainer of all things. From there, Paul shows there is no need to blend other religious ideas with the faith because they are of no value. Instead, we must remain rooted in Christ and the faith delivered to us.
Everything changes when we come to faith in Christ. We are no longer separated from God and we have his spirit living inside of us. Because of this, we should no longer live like we did before we had Christ. We have new desires and we should walk according to those. Even the old religious practices we used to hold, they no longer matter because we have Christ’s commands, which are far better.
Are you walking worthy of the faith you’ve been called to?
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