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Bible Study Blitz


F260 Bible Reading Plan - Day 27

F260 Day 27: Genesis 50 – Exodus 1

Genesis 50 – Exodus 1

There is a huge juxtaposition as we end Genesis and move into Exodus. The narrative continues from one book to the other, but things change dramatically. At the end of Genesis, Joseph reaffirms the forgiveness that he has shown his brothers after they bury their father. Joseph knows his brothers meant harm against him, but he also recognizes the sovereignty of God at play to achieve a greater purpose.

Yet, everything changes after Joseph dies and we move into subsequent generations. The children of Israel continue to multiply and prosper, but now there is a Pharaoh who didn’t know Joseph. His objective? Enslave the Israelites so they cannot revolt or flee. Yet, his attempts to control their population are constantly thwarted.

As we begin Exodus there is a glaring question: where is God? Has he left the scene? This is likely the question the Israelites asked. The answer is no. He is still sovereign and working, and even continuing their prosperity in the face of hardship.

Does your view of God change when difficulties come your way?

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