Revelation 18-19
Chapter 18 describes the fall of Babylon the Great, a city of great significance to the world. God punishes the city for its many sins against him, as their time has finally come. The nations’ kings and merchants mourn at the fall of this great city that will never be what it used to be. The scene changes in chapter 19. Here there is rejoicing in heaven because of God’s righteous judgment. Jesus is married to his bride, the church, and then destroys those who stand against him.
Judgment in God’s hands is always a righteous act and is something worthy of praise. While it might appear cruel and evil from the world’s perspective, God does what is holy and just. For this, as a believer, our only right response is to praise him for his judgment against sin and wickedness. But, at the same time, it is a call for us to share the gospel so that people we love do not have to face God’s wrath.
What is your response to God’s judgment and wrath?
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