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Bible Study Blitz


F260 Bible Reading Plan - Day 252

F260 Day 252: 1 Peter 5; 2 Peter 1

1 Peter 5; 2 Peter 1

Peter ends his first letter with a word of encouragement for the elders. He instructs them to do their work both willingly & eagerly, while proving to be an example to those they lead. Finally, he calls all his readers to walk in humility, knowing that Jesus will rescue them from their suffering at the right time. Then, as he opens his second letter, Peter encourages his readers to grow in their faith. Their spiritual growth is proof of their calling and election. This is worth reminding believers of often.

Peterโ€™s admonition to spiritual growth is important. God does not call us to be idle or to standby and watch others do all the work. Each of us is to be a fruitful worker in the body of Christ. And if we are growing in the areas Peter described, we are both proving our faith and growing in it. As we grow in our knowledge of Christ it should motivate us to grow even more.

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