1 Samuel 13-14
In these chapters we are given a glimpse of Saul’s kingship, as well as his character. During this time Israel is in constant conflict with the Philistines and Saul is trying to free Israel from their rule. While out to battle, we see Saul making rash and unwise decisions. First he is impatient and offers a sacrifice before Samuel arrives to him. Later we see him pushing his army beyond their physical limits as they chase the Philistines. This decision causes him to make a vow that his son Jonathan did not hear, and nearly causes his death. If it weren’t for his army’s intervention, Saul would have been quick to kill his own son.
When we look at Saul, we see someone who makes decisions and takes action without thinking it through. It is these kinds of decisions that eventually cost him his throne. First we see it with the improper sacrifice, and then again with his rash vow, preventing his army from eating. Saul was someone who needed to slow down. He needed to seek the Lord and be patient, instead of moving on his own. Likewise, when we do not move in step with the Lord, we can make poor decisions that may cause us harm or discomfort.
How hasty are you with decisions? Do you seek the Lord before acting?
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