Exodus 10-11
The Lord always has a purpose for what he does. In Exodus 10-11, he makes it clear why all these plagues are happening in Egypt. God wants to make himself known. He wants to be known by both Israel and Egypt. He is no longer speaking and calling individuals, like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or even Moses. No, God is letting entire nations know who he is. God is judging Egypt for the enslavement of his people. And, he is working in such a way that there is no doubt in either peoples’ minds who rescued the children of Israel from slavery.
This is how God chose to work in the book of Exodus. God revealed himself through miracles and plagues. Yet, he reveals himself to us through his Word, the Bible. We would be wise to pay attention to what he’s saying.
How has the LORD revealed himself to you as you read his Word?
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