Numbers 16-17
After being told they could not enter the Promised Land, the children of Israel rebel against Moses and Aaron. This begins with Korah and his friends trying to usurp the priesthood from Aaron’s family. God immediately shuts down their rebellious actions. He supernaturally proves Moses’ leadership by opening the ground, swallowing everyone alive who was involved in the rebellion. Then, of course, the people complain about this, which incites another rebellion. This time, God sends a plague that takes out more than 14,000 Israelites. Moses and Aaron are the only reason the nation is not wiped out, as Aaron atones for the people’s sin, literally standing between the living and dead.
As covenant people, God does not take lightly to rebellion and he will discipline us. This is why we need intercessors who are willing to stand between us and God.
Who is interceding for you? On whose behalf are you interceding?
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