Deuteronomy 32:48-52; 34
From Exodus to Deuteronomy, we have followed Moses’ story as he led the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt. Now, as Deuteronomy ends, Moses’ life has come to an end. Scripture remembers him as someone who had a face to face relationship with the Lord. This was unlike any other prophet. It also makes us anticipate a greater Moses who will lead another exodus. We find this in Jesus Christ, who also speaks with God face to face, even showing us the Father.
God used Moses, but he’s not special. He’s a man just like us. Moses sinned and had his faults, which prevented his entry into the Promised Land. Yet, his life changed when he encountered the living God. Even though he had his moments, from that point forward, his life was filled with love and obedience to the Lord. This is a life the rest of Israel was able to experience. And we too can experience this kind of relationship with God because of Jesus.
Jesus enables us to experience the same relationship with God that Moses had.
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