Joshua 3-4
As Israel approaches the promised land, they reach the Jordan River. In order to show himself strong, the Lord parts the waters of the river like he did the Red Sea for the previous generation. God tells Joshua to have the priests holding the ark stand in the river, and the flow of water stops. As they cross, Joshua tells each tribe to grab a boulder from the river to setup as a memorial for future generations. So, after everyone crosses, the waters return and Israel has seen the Lord’s might.
Much like with the Red Sea, by parting the waters of the Jordan, God wanted to show his might. This allowed Israel to see his power firsthand. By seeing this demonstration, it gave them confidence that God would go before them into the promised land. If God can do one, he can certainly do the other. This is the same God we serve, a God who can and does mighty deeds. We must put our absolute trust in him and always reverence him.
How do you remember the great things the Lord has done for you?
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