1 Kings 2
As David’s life nears its end, Solomon is established and confirmed as the next king over Israel. David reminds his son of the importance of keeping and walking in God’s ways, as this will secure his blessing as king. Along with this, David gives Solomon instruction on tying up some loose ends that will secure his throne and ensure peace in the kingdom. Solomon keeps his father’s wishes; he completes them just as he was asked to do.
While the words in 1 Kings 2:2-3 are specific to Solomon, the overarching principle applies to all believers. We are to be strong and find our strength in the lord. Likewise, we are to walk in God’s ways and keep his commands. As we learned in Psalms 1 & 119, this is the kind of living that brings happiness to the believer and deepens one’s relationship with God. With that in mind, we should strive to live out these truths in our life on a daily basis.
How well are you walking in and obeying the Lord’s commands?
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