Isaiah 65-66
As the book of Isaiah closes, there is a line drawn between two types of people. First there are those who do not seek the Lord and go after their own way. God will bring judgment upon this group of people and they will face his wrath. On the other hand, there are those who humble themselves and submit to God. These people will experience God’s grace, love, and restoration. Along with this, God promises a new heaven and earth. What this shows us is that God’s work of restoration will reverse the curse of sin and ultimately touch all of creation.
With the two paths set before us, God makes it abundantly clear how we can experience his grace. We must turn to him, humble ourselves, have a broken spirit, and reverence him. In other words, we must look to God for our salvation and do it his way, instead of going down our own path. When we do this, we get to experience the renewal of our spirit and become those who experience the blessings of spiritual and physical renewal that God speaks about in the closing chapters of Isaiah.
Are you looking forward to the new heavens and earth?
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